Entertainment and death ... the tragedy of death
Entertainment and death ... the tragedy of death
Zain Faraz Abbasi
When snow and rain started falling three days ago, many friends from Punjab and NWFP along with their families and young people along with their friends set out for Murree Galyat etc. They had gone out for a few minutes, but who knew what would happen to them in the future? Pushing towards the place
In this heartbreaking tragedy where many of our governmental weaknesses are becoming apparent, we must also mourn our own intellects to ask these tourists why they did not take the path of return when the snow was increasing and why they kept moving forward. And here again the question arises that where these tourists have died and hundreds of other vehicles were stuck, there were camps of Pakistani forces and other government agencies very close. Why are they so close to ignoring them? Despite this, why didn't they realize the seriousness of the matter and then how the entry of so many vehicles became possible in this bad weather.
An ASI of Islamabad police also died along with his children. The officer was constantly seeking government help through a friend of his and his friend also contacted all the top officials but no one was heard from anywhere and the worst negligence. In fact, all this is the misfortune of the present government when the Chief Justice of the country will issue an unholy order to demolish the mosque just for the sake of the park. There will be injustice when five and seven year old girls will be raped, when innocents will be shot in the name of police confrontation, when the perpetrators of Sahiwal tragedy are released, when the Holy Prophet is being insulted, when the Companions When the Qur'an was being desecrated in the country, when Mirzaiyat and Qadianiyyah were being publicly protected, when the ulema and scholars were being insulted, then there would be earthquakes, sometimes floods and sometimes snow. Yes, these people also went out for a minute, but they died. Their death was not due to cold or hunger or thirst.
Caused by a gas called carbon monoxide
Carbo monoxide is a silent killer gas
More than 27 human lives have been lost so far in this tragic tragedy of Murree. These people died not because of the cold or any other cause but because of the accumulation of carbon monoxide in the vehicle. Every year thousands of precious lives are lost at the hands of this silent killer all over the world. Let's find out in detail what carbon monoxide is, how it can be a threat to human life and how to prevent it.
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, bebo and
Tasteless gas is produced by burning gas or any fuel and can be fatal if accumulated in large quantities in an enclosed space.
When this gas enters the lungs through the respiratory tract, the red blood cells begin to absorb this gas instead of oxygen and thus stop the circulation of oxygen in the human body which eventually leads to human death.
Remember that it is caused not only in the car but also in any closed place by the constant burning of the heater and every year thousands of deaths are caused by the heater being installed in the rooms at night is also the cause of this silent killer.
Early symptoms of carbon monoxide exposure include dizziness, nausea, tension, headache, stomach ache, fatigue, loss of mind and difficulty breathing. If these symptoms worsen, the brain becomes completely paralyzed and stops working. If you have a heater in an enclosed space and any of these symptoms appear, immediately turn off the heater, open the windows and doors, or go out into the open air and take a deep breath. Also, never sleep with a heater on at night and never leave the car in a closed start condition. If possible, install carbon monoxide detectors in sensitive areas of the home. Remember that the slightest negligence can lead to the loss of many human lives and this happens every year.
Because of this gas, when the vehicles are completely stopped, in a state of suffocation, but also in a state of unconsciousness, these twenty-five or thirty people set out on a journey from this world to the world of survival. The government should resign on its own incompetence, if not at least honor those responsible for this tragedy. Forgive and grant patience to the bereaved
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